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Improved conciliation Regulations Assistance measures

Improved conciliation

In Quebec, the government has recognized the importance of caregivers and has implemented a number of laws and measures to support them in their role. These initiatives are designed to provide financial assistance, access to resources and support services, and increased recognition of the invaluable contribution of these individuals to society.

Here are the various regulations, government measures and financial assistance provided:

Short-term absences
(Bill 176)

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EI caregiving
benefits for informal caregivers

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Compassionate care benefits for caregivers

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Short-term absences (Bill 176)

This measure provided for in the Act Respecting Labour Standards in Quebec allows you to be absent 10 days per year (including 2 paid days) for your obligations as a caregiver.

In summary :

  • 2 days of paid leave (if not taken for another reason during the year)
  • 8 days of unpaid leave ((after 3 months of continuous service with the same employer))
  • absence without pay*:
    • up to 16 weeks for a critically ill or injured adult (over a period of 12 months)
    • 35 weeks for a child (over a period of 12 months)
  • extension without pay:
    • up to 27 weeks for an adult at the end of life
    • up to 104 weeks for a minor child (with a medical certificate attesting that the child has a serious and potentially fatal illness)
  • 5 days of absence, including 2 with pay in the event of death (close family member)
  • 1 day of absence in the event of the death of a distant family member
  • absence without pay* for up to 104 weeks in the event of the death of their minor child

*To be eligible, you must obtain a caregiver certificate from a health or social services professional.

For more information on the conditions and to access the forms, visit the CNESST website.

EI caregiving benefits for informal caregivers

In the event of serious illness or accident, these benefits allow you to receive up to 55% of your salary (up to $650 per week) for 15 weeks, if you are caring for an adult, or up to 35 weeks, if you are caring for a child.

To be eligible, you must:

Do not hesitate to apply for this benefit on the Canada Employment Insurance website.

Compassionate care benefits for caregivers

If you are caring for a loved one at the end of life, these benefits allow you to receive up to 55% of your salary, for a maximum of $650 per week, for up to 26 weeks.

To be eligible, you must:

The weeks of benefits may be shared with one or more family caregivers.

Following death, the Act Respecting Labour Standards in Quebec allows you to be absent for up to 5 days, including 2 paid days.

Do not hesitate to apply for this benefit on the Canada Employment Insurance website.

Health and social services professional;

  • occupational therapist
  • nurse
  • doctor
  • speech therapist
  • physiotherapist
  • psychologist
  • psychoeducator or psychoeducator
  • the wise woman
  • marriage and family therapist
  • physical rehabilitation therapist
  • social worker or social worker