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Did you know that …

1 out of 3 employees
is also a caregiver?

56% of caregivers
are part of the
active workforce.

Work Conciliation Project

The goal of this project is to raise awareness among employers, workers and informal caregivers about the issues related to work-family balance, and the specific needs of informal caregivers.

It also aims to provide resources and training to help employers better understand and support informal caregivers in the workplace.

This site aims to:

  • understand the challenges faced by caregivers who are in employment;
  • recognize the advantages of supporting family/work balance policies;
  • promote a more inclusive and supportive culture for caregivers

What will you find?

Practical information about regulations, financial benefits and support programs to help caregivers balance their work and caregiving responsibilities, as well as tips for negotiating flexible working conditions.

Resources are also offered to help employers implement caregiver-friendly workplace policies and to encourage workers and caregivers to connect with each other and find support.

Who is concerned by employee-caregiver work conciliation?

who are looking for resources, information, benefits or programs that can help them balance their work and caregiving responsibilities, or who are looking for advice on negotiating suitable arrangements with their employer.

Employers and HR managers
who wish to better understand the needs and challenges of caregivers in their organization, and who seek ways to support them, as well as to promote work practices favourable to employee retention.

The workers
Employee-caregiver work balance may also be of interest to non-caregivers by providing information on workplace policies and practices that promote social economy and work/family balance.

Finally, this site is aimed at union groups, employers’ associations, chambers of commerce, and public decisionmakers who wish to promote work-family balance or foster a more inclusive and supportive culture.


Our mission is to promote a better quality of life for caregivers in employment by helping them find a balance between their caregiver responsibilities and their professional life.

Caregivers provide unpaid care to a family member or friend and may have difficulty balancing their caregiving obligations with their job, which can lead to tension and stress.

This project aims to raise awareness among employers, workers and caregivers about the challenges related to caregiver-work conciliation, and to offer resources and advice to help them find solutions, as well as to promote a more inclusive work culture.

About  Proche aidance Québec

The Employee-Caregiver Work Conciliation Project is being led by Proche aidance Québec.
The organization brings together 124 community organizations that support more than 41,000 caregivers across Quebec. The mission of these organizations is to improve the living conditions of caregivers by relieving impoverishment and exhaustion they may experience due to the illness, aging and/or disability of a loved one, whether a spouse, friend, sibling or child. Among other things, they offer counselling, psychosocial support and respite.